Located in city centres or in rural areas, Casino Supermarkets sell a full, competitively priced range of food products with an average of 13,000 SKUs, including staple goods, a large proportion of Casino-brand items and fresh products, and a selection of local specialties.The highly diversified non-food line-up meets the everyday needs of local customers.The banner’s positioning is defined by a commitment to deliveringlow prices, guaranteed quality and a shopping experience that makes life easier.
Casino Group or Casino Guichard-Perrachon is a French mass-market retail group. It was founded on 2 August 1898 by Geoffroy Guichard under the corporate name Guichard-Perrachon & Co. 1 Casino Group is the source of many innovations such as the first distributor's brand in 1901, 2 the first self-service store in 1948 3 or even the display. Casino Supermarket. The Casino Market company offers turnkey online business for sale. A wide range of products from leading providers and professional team will help you to start a.
Spar supermarché
With Spar supermarkets, the banner deploys a broader fresh-product offering, including a traditional meat counter, as well as non-food items.